- Who among us has not recently experienced great change in his or her life?
- Who isn’t affected on some level by the major changes occurring in our world today?
- What if there was a simple, effective tool to help us to navigate changes and maintain inner peace and confidence?
- What if this tool was sustainable, something that could be used again and again in the future?
- What if you had already created an approach in the past that had worked well for you that simply needs to be re-structured, updated, and applied to existing and future changes as well as challenging circumstances?
Join Connie as she provides the tools and support to help you successfully navigate transition and stress. She has developed a tool that she calls Your Blueprint For Personal and Professional Success. She has used this tool successfully in her own life for many years and it has helped her land on her feet successfully amid transition, challenge, and change. Connie will show you how to create your own Personal Blueprint so you can feel calm and confident through-out the day no matter what's going on around you.
Connie Livingston is a
consultant, coach, facilitator, strategist, and speaker with a background in
financial services and Community Economic Development. She has worked with
individuals and groups for 20 years toward achieving their goals. She started
her practice three years ago because she believes that as she helps clients
improve their financial, personal, and economic lives, healthy, stable
communities are created.
One of her specialties is
helping people navigate successfully through transition. Change can be scary;
she knows because she has been through so many transitions in her own life. She
has started several businesses, left a career in order to raise children,
re-entered the world of paid employment, and experienced a number of career
changes. She did this using a positive, systematic approach and landed on her
feet successfully through the changes as well as in the financial realm. She
loves to show her clients how she did
July 27, 2012 at 8am - 9:30pm
Tegu Hall, Morrisville
Register: www.lamoillecountybusinessnetwork.com