Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WBON May Morrisville Chapter Meeting

Blogging and Facebook and YouTube, Oh My!

Presented by Lisa Wood
Sprout New Media

With the explosion of social media in the digital marketplace, we're faced with a dizzying array of tools we can use to promote our businesses online. How are we supposed to keep up? Join us for an interactive discussion designed to help you cut through the clutter and focus on what's important for you and your business.

We'll discuss today's popular tools and brainstorm ways to drive traffic to your website. You'll learn how to identify the tools that work for you so you can focus on those and ignore the rest.

Lisa Wood is a WBON member and small business owner with over 15 years experience marketing on the web. She started Sprout New Media (formerly Performance Web Solutions) in 2008 so she could help small businesses and entrepreneurs grow their businesses online. Prior to that, Lisa worked in the hospitality & tourism industry for over 25 years. Lisa lives in Stowe with her husband, two teenage children, two dogs, and a cat. She enjoys snowboarding, cycling, and vacationing with her family at the beach. Lisa provides digital marketing services to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Her services include web design & development, social media coaching, and web marketing consulting. You can find her at SproutNewMedia.com and on twitter as @lisawood.

Lunch will be catered by J.D. Delicious - Applecheek Farm of Hyde Park.
Cost: $16.00 Members, $18.00 Guests
RSVP: diana@doubleentrybookkeeping.net or online at http://www.wbon.org/